Index of [vitaflo] [Archive] [September 1999]

September 1999

+ Wednesday - September 22, 1999

Well, you may be wondering where vitaflo has been these last week (and where I've been this last month). As for me, I've been very busy and thinking about the web is the last thing I want to do in my spare time (I also got a Dreamcast so that helps ;). As for vitaflo, the hard drive on Scully (our server) failed big time and thus we had to buy a new one and then reinstall everything. Luckly I was able to get everything backed up (or at least most of it). Does this mean you'll see new changes in vitaflo soon? Um, probably not real soon. Not too many ideas, and not too much time (or will). Someday my friends, someday.

+ Thursday - September 2, 1999

I would just like to say Happy Birthday to the Internet. What a wonderful place you've become. (for those of you who don't know, today, the internet turns 30...believe it or not)