Index of [vitaflo] [Archive] [July 1999]

July 1999

+ Tuesday - July 27, 1999

I'm on a hot streak at work playing foosball. I haven't lost in a while, and I've beaten all the good players. First John, then Irik, and finally, today, Lyle. By my calculation that means there's only one person I need to beat to be complete, and that's the CEO of the company, Scott. And to be honest, I don't think I'm up to that task quite yet. Sometimes it's better to quit while you're ahead.

+ Monday - July 26, 1999

Woodstock is all about Peace, Love, and Music? I think they forgot about Anarchy.

+ Friday - July 23, 1999

I'm always amazed at the people who feel as though computing is some religious experience, and that for someone to win, someone else has to lose. My main example of this are people who love Winodows and hate the Mac. Now I can understand not liking Macs, but why must people constantly bash it? How afraid are they of Apple? I mean, Windows has a million times more applications and has a 90+% share. It's like they are telling people that that Mac is inferior so they won't buy it, but even if Apple increased their market share by three fold, Windows would still dominate like there's no tomorrow. I mean if people prefer an OS for their own reasons that's fine, but I just never understand why there's so much apathy out there.

+ Thursday - July 15, 1999

Remember when you were a kid and you used to play Mad Libs with your friends? Remember how fun that was? Man, I wish someone was smart enough to put something cool like that on the web. Oh, wait, someone is.

+ Tuesday - July 13, 1999

I guess I don't really understand some websites. It seems now days there are only three types of websites: Corporarte sites for businesses, sites made by people who don't know shit about web design, and those who are on the "creative edge" and make those really pretty sites that everyone thinks are cool. I tend to have a problem with a lot of these sites. Don't get me wrong, the graphics are usually stunning, it's just everything else.

Just like most people, I enjoy looking at sites that have good creativity and design, if only to get ideas. However it seems most of these sites have little else to show than pretty graphics. Where's the content? Why do I have no clue where your links are? Why should I visit your site again? These are just a few questions I ask.

The other types of sites are the ones that seem really "underground". Maybe designed alright, but have loads of content that is just too far out there for me. Personal sites, that talk about things like they were some metaphysical religious experience induced by LSD. ie. "...and my soul felt as though it was ripped from my inner self. Ted would never know such pain it would seem, as he stood motionless, unresponsive to my saddened wimpers. But I am strong, stronger than he believes me to be, and I will heal my heart so that I may one day love again." Yeah, you could have just said, "Ted dumped me. What an asshole".

My point here is, what ever happened to sites that are just plain fun? Sites that aren't about taking your money, or spamming your ass, or just pretty graphics or new age thoughts of existentialism, but are just made by people putting cool, fun stuff on the web? Is that kind of thing really out of style? Just some food for thought.

+ Saturday - July 10, 1999

Every once and a while you need a day to yourself. I've been running pretty ragged lately, doing all sorts of stuff, and when I got up today I was so happy that I really had nothing to do. Sometimes a person just needs a little quiet time to do what they think is fun on their own. Good, now this should last me another 2 months or so.

+ Friday - July 9, 1999

I hate eBay. I mean, I love it, but that's why I hate it. It totally sucks your money in. I'm bidding on this Apple Newton, which I really want, but now it's starting to get out of my price range. So do I bid or not? There comes a point of no return where it's too late and you have to outbid the other person. Of course then you blow a few hundred dollars when you're really trying to save up for something bigger and always complain that you can't save any money. Hmmm...I wonder why? Ebay: Destroyer of Dreams Everywhere.

Mark your calendars, only two more months till Dreamcast. :)

+ Tuesday - July 6, 1999

Back to work it is. After a long weekend in Door County, I don't know if I'm ready for work. Though I actually do want to play on the computer a bit. DC was fun. Tons of tourists, tons of cops, tons of money spent. It was good seeing the guys again and hanging out at the Abbey. I just wish I took more pictures.

+ Friday - July 2, 1999

Right about now, the funk's your brother.

Ooooooh baby. It's Friday, it's the 4th of July weekend, and I'm going home. WOOHOO!!! I can't wait. I need to get out of this city. One problem though...the CD player in my car doesn't work. Shiii.....t.